
Data fetching in React.js / Next.js
Data fetching in React.js / Next.js2023-01-08
The many ways that you can fetch data in React.js / Next.js
The app directory in Nextjs 13
The app directory in Nextjs 132023-01-07
Main changes in the directory structure that handle routing in Next 13
How to optimize a React application performance
How to optimize a React application performance2023-01-06
Examples of how you can optimize a React application for performance.
What does the useReducer hook do
What does the useReducer hook do2023-01-05
Overview on what is useReducer React hook.
How to use Debounce in Reactjs?
How to use Debounce in Reactjs?2023-01-04
Overview on what is useDebounce React custom hook.
What is React's useMemo
What is React's useMemo2021-09-02
Overview on what is React's useMemo hook.
What is React's useCallback?
What is React's useCallback?2021-09-02
Overview on what is useCallback React hook.
What is React memo?
What is React memo?2021-08-31
Overview on what is React memo.
What is React's Context API?
What is React's Context API?2021-08-28
Overview on what is React Context.
React - What is Prop Drilling?
React - What is Prop Drilling?2021-08-28
Overview on what is Prop Drilling.
React - Controlled Vs Uncontrolled
React - Controlled Vs Uncontrolled2021-08-27
Overview on what is a Controlled Component.
What is React Hooks
What is React Hooks2021-08-25
Overview on what is React Hooks.
How to fix Deploy directory 'build' does not exist Netlify
How to fix Deploy directory 'build' does not exist Netlify2021-01-19
Build stage can surprise you with interesting and annoying bugs.
How to change list bullet color CSS
How to change list bullet color CSS2021-01-18
You might have tried several ways and nothing seems to work, but theres a light at the end of the tunnel, my friend 😂.
How to handle loading in React
How to handle loading in React2021-01-17
Loading it's a very important function of an app that requires outside data, authentication, etc.
How to make a scroll to the top button in React
How to make a scroll to the top button in React2021-01-16
Have you ever read something on a website and got annoyed because it did not have a scroll to the top button? Well, let's see how to make one ourselves.
How To fix Yarn Error: EPERM: operation not permited
How To fix Yarn Error: EPERM: operation not permited2021-01-15
If you stumbled upon this error there some ways we can go about solving it.
2025 Andrei T.F.
with Next.js